INA | The choice of India's largest garment manufacturer for smart factory upgrade

In recent years, with the rapid development of Fast Fashion Brands, the requirements for quality and production cycle are becoming increasing stringently when well-known clothing brands choosing garment factories, and even explicitly require factories to use hanger systems for production in order to obtain orders.

01Shahi's digital intelligence factory upgrade choice

Shahi established in 1975, is India’s largest apparel manufacturer and exporter, operating 65 state of the art manufacturing facilities and three textile mills across 10 Indian states.  Shahi specialize in providing high-quality apparel OEM services for international famous brands, mainly covering men's wear, women's wear, children's wear and home textiles. Shahi is trusted supplier of the world's leading apparel retailers such as C&A, Calvin Klein, Columbia Sportswear, Gap Inc., H&M, Inditex, Kohl's, Marks & Spencer, PVH, Uniqlo, Walmart, etc.

As one of the world's leading textile and apparel manufacturing company, Shahi deeply understands the importance of digital transformation. In order to maintain a leading position in the highly competitive market, Shahi choose to cooperate with INA and successfully achieve the digital intelligence transformation and upgrading by bring in the intelligent hanger system.


02 Create fast delivery of small batch and multiple batches mode

The production efficiency of the Shahi factory has been significantly improved through the use of INA intelligent hanger systems, and the original delivery time of at least 15 days has been shortened to 10 days or even shorter. This improvement not only improves the production efficiency of Shahi's factory, but also improves customer satisfaction and makes customers more trust Shahi.

Compared with the traditional manual operation, INA intelligent hanger systems has brought Shahi a clear competitive advantage. First of all, INA intelligent hanger systems can ensure the accuracy and consistency of garments in the production process. Using INA intelligent hanger systems for production, the product can be hung in a specific position in each production process, reducing the accumulation of floor space, workers can better operate and handle garment, reduce manual operations errors and damages, also improve product quality.


Secondly, INA intelligent hanger systems can also speed up the production period and improve production efficiency. INA intelligent hanger systems can automatically transmit products to every process of the production line, carry out multi-line bridging collaborative production to optimize the production process, greatly shorten the production period, and fulfil the needs of fast fashion brands for rapid production.


The advantage of INA intelligent hanger systems is not only to improve production efficiency and shorten delivery time, but the system can also help Shahi achieve production traceability and quality control. According to INA intelligent hanger systems and software, the production process and related information of each garment can be recorded in detail, providing more accurate data analysis for Shahi's managers, helping them evaluate the status of the production process, discover problems on time and make adjustments to reduce delays and errors in production and ensuring the quality and consistency of each product.

Project has been used more than one year for Shahi, and the factory is still clean and tidy, the production capacity has been increased, and the orders cover the whole world. INA Intelligent hanger System with whole plant solution not only provides strong support for Shahi factory to enhance the core competitiveness of the fast-reaction supply chain, but also provides useful reference for the intelligent and digital transformation and upgrading of the global apparel manufacturing industry.


03 Provide service and support to global customer

For service oversea customer better, INA set up overseas service office in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Ethiopia. Vietnam and Indonesia set up oversea office. The purpose of setting up oversea service office and office is because can respond and deal with customers' needs in the region also can understand the characteristics of local markets and industries, and provide customers with customized services and solutions


INA overseas service team has rich experience and deep expertise in product installation, maintenance or training, INA provide professional, efficient and customised solutions for different industries and production environments. During the training process, overseas service team will explain to customers for them to understand and the core concepts of lean production management, it including value stream analysis, process optimization, reduce waste, stable production, etc., and help workers know the skills quickly through knowledge explanations and on-site demonstrations, and will guide workers to use the knowledge in their own production environment.


Through the production management training, customers will be able to achieve a series of improvements and enhancements in the shortest time. Whether it's reducing production costs, increasing delivery speeds, or optimizing inventory management and quality control, INA will work closely with customers to help them achieve higher goals and efficiency.


INA promise: The installation of the system is only the beginning of INA team’s service. The significance of Ina service is not only to provide products, but also to become a booster and value creator of customer productivity.

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